Long time since the last entry, quite busy right now... book fair, ISO analysis (keje yg tertunggak),lecturers requests etc etc etc... anyway, i just want to ask my friends out there.... tahap mana kesedaran sivik kita? Let me put this way, I'll put few cases / incidents, what are your reaction or response?...
1. while you are driving, you heard sound of "siren" .. (tak kisah la, ambulan/polis/bomba).. what do you do?
2. you are eating rambutan in the car, where do you throw away the "kulit"?
3. just imagine you are in the car with your kids / nephew / anak org lain ... derang minta buka tingkap luas2..apa response korang?
4. you saw an accident opposite your lane, are you slowing down the car to see it?
Ni just few cases la.. byk lagi sebenarnya...i'm thinking of pointing this out since this morning (selalu benarnya) ada ambulance in a hurry (of course) menuju ke PJ (maybe to UH).. what i've observed, no cars gave way to the ambulance, siap sama laju dgn ambulance tu .. eeiii geram tul!
I remembered when i was in the ambulance with my ARWAH father to IJN. It was on saturday morning, working saturday! Traffic jammed all over .... boleh kira ngan jari kereta2 yg gave way to us masa tu. I felt like to screammmmmm!!! derang ni tak reti ke nak bg jalan ke ambulance ni? Very selfish betul Malaysians ni!! I'm not pointing this out not just because i've experienced it but with our own concern towards the civic minded among us. (mcm pelik je ayat ni)
Anyhow, i just want to know your feedback on this... please be honest and sincere ok?...peace!!
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Tahap kesedaran sivik
Sincerely by
3/28/2006 08:30:00 AM
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My answers to your questions:
1. Try to move to the leftest side of the road
2. Jadikan available plastic bag as tempat buang sampah, kalau takde lantai keta jadi mangsa le heheh.. Tapi kalau lalu jalan kampung aku buang kat tepi jalan sbb kulit 'mokte' ni biodegradable.. bole jadik baja kompos lagik
3. Bukak le tingkap, amik angin luar pulak.. tp tu kalau outside the city la. Kalau angin luar lagi panas dr dlm keta maka aku memvetokan utk bukak ekon.
4.Mmg terpaksa slow down.. abih tu keta dah jalan cam semut. Kalau dah slow tu jenguk2 juga la yg mana sempat tgk.
aku yg pestaim komen kat blog kau heheh --->> hahaha.. pjg tul pengenalan diri... kira ok la tahap kesedaran kau tu... alasan kulit "mote" tu boleh dikira ke? aku still restrict buka tingkap kalau naik keta ngan anak2.. takut derang tend to kuarkan pala .. bahaya tu! i've seen that.. mak bapak dia buat dekkk je dlm keta, badan anak dia dh dekat separuh kat luar keta, kalau graviti lebih sikit / keta tersinggung.. mau tergolek budak tuh!
aku cukup bengang ngan keta yg slow semata2 nak tgk accident yg across the lane, tak boleh buat apa pun. kalau nak tlg, pull over je ...
1. if me...i will give way...rakyat msia plg prihatin gituu...kan...hehehe
2. throw dlm kete jugak...klu takde plastik sampah...plastik mokte tu sendiri yg ku bercampur2 laa buah yg belum di mkn dgn kulit buah yg dah dimkn...cerdik tak???
3. hint klu diorg nmpk dan nk toleh ke kita laa...klu diorg tgh syok bwk kete tak sedar kebenda...biar ajelah...rakyat M'sia yg tak prihatin plak...hehehe
that's all my responses...TQ.
p/s: tumpang lalu ye k.leen...
Weh...akuyangpestaimkomenkatblogkau tue...bila nk buat blog sendiri...eden tak saba nk baca doh nie...
woo... pasal bukak tingkap keta tu biasanya bukak depan jek, belakang tak dibenarkan. Kalau anak2 bukak jugak bising la aku "Ain jgn keluar tgn tuu" "Bisyarah jgn keluar kepala".. sampai diorg boring tp sib baik ikut perintah.
Tang slow down masa eksiden tu pun mmg aku tak setuju.. tp dah in the flow nak buek camno? Cumanya tidak lah aku menambahkan keslowan trafik tu dgn mengintai sakan plet no keta eksiden utk dijadikan no ekor...
ops.. lupa mau tambah.. Takyah le awok tunggu Bie.. saya ni malu-malu kucing.. kucing pun malu kat saya
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