Dah lama betul Under Construction.. and now inilah hasilnya.. harap dear friends semua ceria dgn kulit baru blog ni.. Semangat sikit nak letak N3 hehehe.. terang biji mata. Anyway, byk sgt tertinggal cerita... tak de kudrat nak citer suma beb... cumanya, byk keje yg belum langsai lantaran menggodek blog nih.. kes kes kes..
Enjoy listening to Mawi & others ok... WORLD!! hehehe
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Feelin' Fresh and New...
Sincerely by
2/28/2006 08:54:00 AM
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Crying Inside
Dear friends,
Actually I don't feel like to write anything today... tiring day & nite for me yesterday. Just imagine, I reached home nearly 7 pm...stucked in crazy traffic jammed almost an hour in KL.. with raining and storming. Picked up my hubby at Pusat Islam nearly 6.15... and again stucked in less crazy traffic jammed to Kajang. So there I was thinking and talking to my self... is this what u really want?... go to work early in the morning (before 7 am) and comeback 12 hours after that... where is your Quality time with your kids? How u r going to have ur time "tarbiyah" your kids? More than 12 hours your kids are with stranger (my maid) at home and she will look after your kids until u come home...Thank to Allah, I stay with my mother .. who can "pandang2 jeling2" what is going on at home.. esp during meal time.. sleeping time ...
When I reached home, it was already 7 pm which I haven't perform my 'Asr prayer yet. Seeing Nabil sat with my mother waiting for me ... with his sad face (tak senyum langsung) made my heart criesssss.... very sad when u look at your child's face wanting u to come home earlier and play2 with him. Kene selsema balik... same goes to Baby Naufal... running nose! Kesian nya anak Ummi! I rushed to the bathroom,then prayed... cuddled Baby Naufal, hugged Nabil (marah2 je dia). After Maghrib prayer, we had our dinner.. with Nabil sat together (saje la tu nak kacau hehehe). Having him talking to me with his cute voice and ntah hapa2 tu (hehehe)... just swipe away my "penat" and stress. U must listen to him singing " berkobar-kobar.. di dadaaa" hehehe and his favourite song in Barney n Friends show..the original song is like this :
I love U
U love Me
We are happy family
Would U say U love me too...
but when he sings, it becomes like this:
Ai Ai U
An an ching
U me me toooo
I don't know where the ching comes from hahahaha...
Anyway.. he speaks well, only when it comes to sing a song.. dia ikut suka mulut dia jek :-)
I put Baby Naufal into sleep at 10.30 pm... and I thought I could just lay down.. relaxing and strecthing my foot (drive dlm jem tadi kan..) Out of sudden, Baby Naufal cried and cried... I continued to cuddle him and put him into sleep again and again... until 12 am... Then, I just couldn't remember when I fall asleep until again he cried out loudly.. very loud.. at 2 am. Tak larat sangat nak buka mata.. I called my husband to take over the job.. :-)
Baby Naufal dragged both of us up to 3.30 am .. demanding us to play2 with him.. sian.. maybe tadi tak puas kot main2 ngan Ummi & Ayah dia. Suddenly he cried.. slowly at first, tapi makin kuat dan kuat... I assumed he had "kembong perut"... sian sgt tgk dia... he cried (jerit 2) until 4 am.. I barely open my eyes actually, but listening to him crying like that.. ooOOhh risauuuu sgt2! After giving him ubat angin & letak minyak kat perut, he just slow down... alhamdulillah he falled asleep (penat sgt agaknya).
Terus la tido tak sedarkan diri :-)... sedar2 husband kejut dh 6.30 am... uishhh lambat nanti nih! Dah la tumpang kawan (from Puchong)... I'm telling my self.. kalau la hari ni takde Board Meeting, mau EL hari ni. Sampai ofis, terus abiskan report yg tersadai smlm and send 4 printing. 8.45 am... started walking to the faculty for the meeting. Meeting started almost 9 am.. and bla bla bla.... OOooHhHh they're having good lunch today (sponsored by one of the members)... so I stucked in the meeting until 1 pm... Anyway, worth waiting until the end, I had "chicken chop with gravy sauce... together with fries,vege,fish fillet... nyum nyum nyum...
So that is all my report today... panjang tuuuu :-P
Sincerely by
2/16/2006 03:59:00 PM
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Naylah Al-Farafishah
Dear friends....
Hari ni terasa nak cerita macamana boleh dapat nama Naylah...
Na'ilah Al-Farafishah ialah isteri kepada Khalifah Ar-Rashidun Saydina Uthman bin Affan... Hidupnya Na'ilah semasa berlaku banyak pertarungan dan fitnah di kalangan sahabat dan penyokong Muawiyah...Ingatlah bahawa sejarah fitnah besar akibat surat palsu yang dibuat atas nama Saiyidina Uthman menyuruh membunuh utusan yang membawa surat pemecatan Gabenor Mesir sehingga sekarang masih dirasai oleh Dunia Islam. Sahabat serta menantu Rasulullah s.a.w., Saiyidina Uthman yang sudah berumur dibunuh sedang membaca al-Quran. Isterinya Na'ilah yang cuba membantu suaminya yang tercinta putus jari-jari tangan akibat terkena pedang. Pengorbanan dan perjuangan Na'ilah cukup memberi kesan kepada aku bila kisahnya di baca semasa sekolah lagi. Tambahan kisahnya aku baca di dalam Buku 101 wanita teladan di masa Rasululullah... kisahnya begitu sadis... membela suami sehingga diri cedera. Begitu hebat cintanya kepada suami .. lebih2 kepada Agama yang diancam dengan fitnah terhadap suaminya. Nama pena Naylah sebenarnya sudah lama aku gunakan... ini kerana terpegun dan kagum dengan kesungguhan Na'ilah Al-Farafishah membela dan membantu suami yg difitnah.
Terus aku berazam menggunakan nama Naylah ini semoga semangat juang membela suami terus bersemadi dalam diriku... Insyallah aku akan menjadi seorang isteri yang membela suaminya, mencintai suaminya, dan membantu suaminya dalam perjuangan... Oleh kerana sukanya aku pada nama Naylah ini, aku memasang niat.. andai aku dikurniakan anak perempuan.. Naylah akan ku namakan... **nampaknya niat tu kene postpone lagi sebab belum dpt baby girl**
So.. what does it mean by the name Naylah?...
Origin is from Africa... it's a female name and the meaning is succeeding.. or acquirer.. atau dlm melayunya Yang Mendapat Kejayaan...
Sincerely by
2/14/2006 08:37:00 AM
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Rejoicing getaway
As promised, I pasted few pics during our rejoicing vacation to the Cameron Highlands on 2nd -4th Feb 2006.
Baby Naufal dlm kereta pagi nak ke Cameron Highlands
Both are excited to have sightseeing in Cameron Highlands... ready with their sweat shirts...
Superb scenery from the top of Boh View Point... seram tgk tinggi sgt!!
The last pic ... 4 of us in front of the Boh signage...
Nothing much to story ... besides happy time together 6 of us.. (4 of us plus Mak & maid)... Crowds at Cameron Highlands.. full of Chinese (kami pun sibuk beraya Cina mcm depa...)... all items got expensive... i just bought 3 packs of strawberries... which just finished tonite... itu pun buat puding strawberry.. slurrppp everybody loves it!
We made to up the hill, via Tapah but we made our way down using new hiway, Simpang Pulai... very nice and superb scenery .. tak le boring nampak hutan jek.. we missed the excitement plucking our own sayur and strawberries up there.. dh lambat masa tu.. anyway, next time we surely won't miss it...
Sincerely by
2/12/2006 12:44:00 AM
Wednesday, February 8, 2006
Not available
Dear friends,
I'll be not in the office for 3 days... attending a course-self directed employee program. Kalau lepas ni tak directed lagi tatau laaa.... hahahaha.... anyway, I wanna tell you gals about my vacation to Cameron Highlands last week... but still dun have time to perfectly make the entry with all wonderful pics. I hope I can do that by this friday, Insyaallah... nanti nak letak jugak gambar strawberry yg masih ada dlm peti ais kat umah tu.. hehehe... ok.. GTG..
Sincerely by
2/08/2006 08:11:00 AM