Thursday, November 22, 2007

Adjusting life... (work)

Salam all...

Masih adjusting work kat tempat baru ni...belek sana belek sini. Tengok sana tengok sini... tadi pun dh ada library tour, derang nak class sekali.. mana sempat nak arrange, pagi ni baru tau.. so classes postponed next week. Ni tgh mengupdate materials...

Apa yg best kat sini....

1.Bestnye kat sini, kantin merata2.. dekat2 je semuanya. Price pun murah... kejutan harga sungguh, compared to g*****.

2. Bestnye kat sini, staff baik2 belaka. Alhamdulillah... minta2 semua takde yg ada problemo

3. Bestnye kat sini, students sumer innocent... baik2.. tau respect orang. Masih under exposed kot..

4. Bestnye kat sini, bilik besar hehehehe...bukan!! kat sini, aku ada bilik!!

5. Bestnye kat sini, small community, easy to control.

6. Bestnye kat sini, balik sure sharp at 5pm! hahahaha

7. Bestnye kat sini, banyyyaaakkk betul novel boleh dibaca.. cuma masa je terhad.

8. Bestnye kat sini, aku boleh update blog mcm hari ni...

:-)) bestnyeeee kat sini... tapi ada jugak yg tak bestnya.... yg tu to be continued..


Anonymous said...

amboiii...syoknya dia....

Nk buatlah jugak ape yg bestnya kat org jeles same...

Anonymous said...


Hohohoho tahniah dah dapat bilik!
Biasa la tu ada yg best ada yg tak best.. kalo semua best karang dull pulak idop kau. As long as kita dapat menerima seadanya ok la tu...

life is about changes, sumtimes we change according to situations, sometimes we have to change the situations to suit us.. whichever applies.

alamak, berfalsampah le pulak

Anonymous said...

bie-->> list down la.. bg org jeles hehehe

kau yg kiut-->> yeap. very true.. life is dull without challenges...and dull even more when u missed ur true friends... :-(