I am on leave today. Yesterday I was on night duty, reached home at about 11.30 pm. The kids pun dah melayan mimpi...
Pagi2 lagi Nabil dah bangun, tersengeh je tgk Ummi dia tak pegi keje hari ni.
"Ummi coti ke?"
"Ye la... Ummi cuti tapi tghari sampai petang Ummi kene work sekejap"
Adoii laa.. sian Nabil. Ummi bukan nak pegi work sayang, Ummi nak training main bowling untuk tournament on 10th & 11th March nanti ni. Sorry ye Ummi tak boleh bawa Nabil sama, nanti bowling ntah ke mana... asyik dok melayan Nabil. Next time Ummi bawa la ye.
Abang ada talk di Maktab PDRM this morning. So, at 10.50 am he fetched me and straight to Alang's house. Nak ambil my niece (read: atiqah) buat teman main bowling. Of course Abang has to go back to his office. Looking at the time reaching 11.30 am, I told Abang to send both of us to M*** so that I do not have to "ulang alik" driving. And Alang agreed to pick up us when we finish. Alright!
We entered the bowling place as the first customer, I guess. Nobody was playing at any lanes. Then I paid for 6 games. Fuh!!! Mau tercabut tangan gue!
Scores were not to announced here... :-P .. as Atiqah was saying
"Mana boleh masuk tournament mcam ni Achik... belum capai tahap"
"Hahaha.... gasak lah"
Finally we ended up playing 7 games (read: 7 games each of us). And "luckily" I scored 124 pins in my last game.
"Macam tak percaya je!!!"
Chayo! Chayo!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Bowl fever begins...
Sincerely by
2/27/2007 03:36:00 PM
Friday, February 16, 2007
apa raa
Napa selalu kalau taip panjang2... then takleh post?.. Failed to connect laa.. tahapa2... tension betul gue...
Sincerely by
2/16/2007 08:12:00 AM
Friday, February 2, 2007
My house will be under renovation ... for 6 weeks!!!! and I am moving in to my sis house nearby. Adehh berangkut 2-3 hari ni lotih boto badan... raso nak domam pun ado.
Rumah yang aku diami sekarang = Rumah Mak.. yang dibina daripada hasil titikpeluh Arwah Bapak.. wayback in 1984. So, the house is to date 23 years of age. Lantai pun dah berderik-derik bila berlari... Dah sampai masa buat major conservation and preservation, I should say...
Insyaallah aku akan letak gambar "sebelum" dan "selepas" rumah ini di "make over" oleh architect of the family.. my sister, Norseha.
Tak sabar nak tunggu rumah siap!
Sincerely by
2/02/2007 03:18:00 PM